Prayers for my Wife

A 30-Day Prayer Challenge for Husbands

Do you want to grow in praying for your wife? Maybe you need help in knowing what and how to pray. Or maybe you are looking for ways to encourage and support your wife. This 30-day prayer challenge for husbands to pray for their wives is for you.

These daily emails will only take a few minutes and will give you three simple guides:

  • A truth to focus on

  • A starting point for you to pray

  • Questions to help you reflect on God and serve your wife

As you complete the challenge, we’re confident that you will experience God’s presence and be encouraged as you explore new ways to serve and encourage your wife. Will you join other husbands in the helloHOPE community in praying for our wives?


What the Prayer Challenge is Like

Here’s a sample day from the prayer challenge:

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Isaiah 26:3

Lord Jesus, you are faithful and trustworthy. I ask you to bring to my mind and to [my wife’s] mind times that you have been faithful to us.

As [my wife] and I face daily victories, worries, joys, and challenges, help us to find our peace in you. I ask that you would guard [my wife’s] mind from anxiety and fear and replace those thoughts with memories of how you have provided for us, truth about who she is in you, and a sense of your perfect love for her. Help me to listen well when peace seems distant, and help me to lead in a way that points to the security we have in you. Be our source of peace, Lord Jesus. I love you. Amen

When was a time that the Lord showed His faithfulness to you?
What is something you can do today to give your wife a moment of peace?