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Share or Nominate a Story

We connect and spread hope through stories. And stories remind us that we aren’t alone and that there is a hope for a brighter future. Do you have a story of hope to share? Do you know a family who has faced a diagnosis or medical challenges with hope? Tell us more using the buttons below.


What to expect

Our story development process is designed first and foremost to honor families — both those sharing their stories and our readers. We follow a consistent process with each family:

Step one: Send us a message!

Use the buttons above to send your contact information and give us a short summary of what your story involves. We review each submission, and selected families will be followed up with to continue the process.

Step two: The interview

We will schedule an in-person or video interview with you to talk through the details of your story. During these interviews we typically ask about the journey of receiving a diagnosis, how you walked through tough days, victories you’ve seen along the way, and how your faith has been a part of your story.

Step three: The writing

We will work on a written draft of your family’s story. Once complete, we send the draft to you for review. We love to confirm that we’ve captured your thoughts, perspective, and details accurately. Once the draft is finalized, we’ll request some family pictures and get your article published!

Step four: Publishing

We’ll give you advance notice of when your story will be published, and we’ll also confirm when it’s available on the website. Our hope is that the story is something that you’re proud of and that you see as a way to remember and celebrate the stories and hope in your family.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the story interview?

Depending on the age(s) of the children, we’ve done interview with parents and some where the children were included in the conversation.

At what stage in my journey can I share my story?

We’ve had the privilege of interviewing families who are currently navigating a diagnosis, on the other side of a diagnosis, or have walked through loss. Each family brings a beautiful perspective to share about how to hold onto hope, and each story has been an encouragement to our community.

What diagnoses are eligible?

We do not limit our stories to a specific diagnosis, though we only focus on pediatric stories (see below for more detail on ages). If you think another family might face what you are facing and you would like to encourage them, we’d love to talk!

Do you accept stories of adults facing a diagnosis?

We are focused on serving families facing a childhood diagnosis. In some cases, we’ve talked to adult children about their story, but it is important that the diagnosis was discovered during childhood.

How much of my time will this take?

Our interviews typically last 45 to 90 minutes.

I have another question not listed here.

We’d love to talk! Sending us a message using the share or nominate buttons at the top of this page is a great way to get your questions answered, and there is no obligation for you to continue through the process.
