A Prayer for Community

Facing a diagnosis cannot be done alone. Today, we’re praying for our community to feel surrounded and supported by the loved ones around them.

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God, You are a good Father and Creator. We know that Your plans are good and that You do not desire for us to be alone, but sometimes the situations we face can make us feel isolated. Though we know You are good, the trials we face can cause us to question and doubt. Thank You that Jesus knows exactly what isolation and loneliness feel like and that He loves to meet us and comfort us in those places. Thank You for the grace that allows us to ask You honest questions. As we wrestle with the truth of who You are and situations we face, here is our prayer:

You have a way of making our paths cross and making introductions in unexpected places. We pray that You would provide each family with a fresh and tangible expression of community and friendship.

We ask for You to bring friends to support, help, and encourage when stresses are high.

We ask for You to bring friends with a listening ear.

We ask for You to bring friends that show your grace and strength during the difficult times.

We ask for you to bring friends that will love before they judge.

We ask for You to bring friends that will rejoice in the victories –– both big and small.

We ask for You to bring friends that will be faithful and stick closer than a brother.

Even as we ask for a strong and beautiful community, we know that the tensions and stresses of medical struggles strain relationships. We ask for Your healing grace to restore and mend broken, hurting hearts. Even as You work in us, give us the boldness and humility to reach out to and love each other the way You’ve taught us. May our community be marked by the beautiful and strong grace of Jesus.

Finally, for those who feel alone, I pray that You would send Your Holy Spirit to encourage and warm their hearts right now. Remind them that You are ever-present and that nothing can separate them from Your love. Let the grace of Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead wash over them and calm their hearts and minds. Encourage them with the reality that this all has been prayed over them.

We love You and thank You so much for Your presence with us. In the strong name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

- Hebrews 10:24-25; Matthew 18:20; Galatians 3:28-29; Galatians 6:2; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Proverbs 17:17; Ephesians 4:2-6; Proverbs 27:17 -