Prayer for Courage

helloHOPE | Prayer of Hope for Our Community - Courage

Each family we interview gives us a picture of courage in action. The reality is that courage is defined on difficult journeys. We’re praying with you today and asking for courage to swell in your family. God not only calls us to be strong and courageous, but He also equips us in His Spirit to walk in courage. Here is our prayer for courage.

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Our God and our Rock, we know that You are our provider. We wait for You to meet us and strengthen us, but waiting can be frustrating and painful. In our waiting, we pray that You would give us the courage we need for the day.

Courage to trust You in our circumstances.

Courage to believe Your Word and Your promises.

Courage to lead our families in confidence and peace.

Courage to believe that You are good. Always.

Courage to be honest and transparent with our friends and family.

Courage to ask for help when we feel weak.

Even though our world puts importance on our individual strength and performance, we know that You love us deeply and that you long to support and sustain us in Your power. Please help each of us to let go of our fears and anxieties for what might happen or for what others think, and strengthen us in the truth that You are with Your people. We pray that Your presence would be near to each one of us and that You would open our eyes to see Your purposes at work.

We are excited to see Your power at work in us, and we are filled with hope that You are with us. We are filled with hope that through Jesus our situation doesn’t define us. In our waiting, remind us of your truth.

You love us.

You are with us.

You are good.

We are Your sons and daughters.

Your strength is unending.

You will never leave us.

We love You and pray that you would meet us exactly where we are. Please give us hope, encouragement, joy and courage. Amen!

- Psalm 27:14; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Deuteronomy 31:6-7; Psalm 31:24; Philippians 1:20; Romans 8:31-39; Hebrews 4:16 -