Prayer for Joy

1512 helloHOPE Community Prayers- Prayer for Comfort

Joy often times seems counterintuitive in difficult seasons. And at the same time, some of the most beautiful examples of joy come from people who have found joy in the midst of difficulty. Somehow, these people have managed to find a deeper joy that isn’t dependent on their circumstances. This is our prayer for joy, and we hope it encourages you.

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Lord Jesus, You are our salvation and our joy. As we begin celebrating the Christmas season, we are reminded that Your coming to earth means joy for the nations. We thank You for the new life and power that we have through Your death and resurrection because we know that true joy can only come by Your Spirit working in us. We ask you to fill us with Your Spirit and let our joy overflow.

Although we go through times of pain, sorrow, and difficulty, Your promises bring us hope. We will sow with tears in this life, but You promise that we will also reap with songs of joy. Great joy is coming, but we also pray that You would give us Your heavenly joy today. Especially in times when we feel tired, discouraged,  or weighed down, please break into our minds and hearts with grace. We ask for joy that is inexplicable, contagious, and filled with praise.

We know that joy comes from hearing Your truth, so please give us ears to hear.

We know that joy comes from walking in Your Spirit, so please give us a double-portion of your presence.

We know that joy comes from understanding the depth of Your salvation, so please remind us of Your great sacrifice and the power of Your blood.

We ask that You would make our joy complete by teaching us to remain in Your love and trust our heavenly Father. You are more than able to keep us from stumbling in our circumstances, so we pray for Your presence to go with us, guide us, and fill us with hope and joy. Let us go through today with joy deep in our hearts and a smile on our face knowing that You care for us. We love you, Jesus.

John15:11Psalm 16;Psalm126Isaiah12Galatians5:22-23Jude1:24-25Zephaniah 3:16-17 —

PrayersAndrew ThomasComment