Prayer for Peace

helloHOPE | Prayer for Peace

Most of the time, we don’t have warning when life’s storms hit. These circumstances often bring anxiety and worry. This prayer for peace is our hope for you if you’re in a stressful season. May the Prince of Peace bring grace and calm to you today.

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Lord Jesus, You are our Prince of Peace and the Captain of our Storm. When our circumstances are overwhelming and You seem far away, we ask that You would remind us that Your presence is with us. We know that peace comes only from You. The same way that You spoke peace over the storm, we ask that You would quiet our hearts so we can hear Your voice and truth.

You tell us that You don’t give as the world gives and that You know how to give better things than we know to ask. So, I pray for peace far beyond what our minds could imagine or even explain to wash over our hearts.

We know that Your peace is backed by heavenly authority, so we ask boldly for You to meet us at our time of need.

When we don’t understand why things are happening, let Your peace win over worry.

When we’re waiting for a diagnosis, let Your peace calm our anxiety.

When we receive a diagnosis, let Your peace shape our questions.

When we’re being treated by doctors, let Your peace leave no room for fear.

When we feel weak or tired, let Your peace remind us of your presence and strength.

When we don’t know what to say or ask, let Your peace be king in our hearts.

As Your peace fills us and carries us, we ask that it would spread to the people we meet. Let confidence in Your goodness be our song and our strength. We love you, Jesus. Amen!

- Colossians 3:15; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 29:11; Isaiah 26:3; Mark 4:35-41; John 14:27 -